March-April-May-June sketchbook review

So I started this year with big plans: I was going to draw every day! I was going to blog every week! I was going to combine the two and post a sketchbook review every month! Clearly, as proven by the title, that didn’t happen.

The last four months were a lot. I went to three conventions and a camping trip. I got involved in, and then dropped out of an active social hobby. I was injured. My car was in the shop for three weeks. My dog got really sick. I had a major milestone birthday. I grappled with some big life decisions. I had a bigger-than-usual depressive phase. I frequently felt like a gigantic failure. It was rough. My attention span for making art came in waves and my interest in blogging was nonexistent.

But! I’m back! I’m feeling normal! Shit is under control! And now I want to share my work!

First, things I drew while I was supposed to be paying attention to something else:

Things I drew as part of a class that I started in March and then forgot about after two weeks (but picked back a few weeks ago and I’m very optimistic about it!):

Things I drew just for funsies:

That’s not everything, obviously, just a handful of my favorites. Some of these might eventually get worked into something more final, but today they’re just a fun share.

Next up: a daily art + share challenge! From June 29 until DragonCon (60 days) I’m doing a drawing a day (sometimes a painting) and posting it to instagram. The actual goal is to keep posting daily art forever until the end of time, but for now I’m just aiming for every day until DragonCon and then we’ll see where it goes. It’s been fun so far. Follow along!!!


July sketchbook review


My new air conditioner: A story of mental illness