July sketchbook review

So around the end of June the whole universe started telling me I needed to not just make art every day, but share art every day, so I set a goal to make and share art every day from that moment (June 30) until DragonCon. 60 days of daily drawings! And I’m no good at habit building, routines, or challenges, so making this public declaration was a BIG DEAL!

And guess what? I did it! I posted June 30 and 31, and every day in July! And as of today, I’m still posting daily! I’m so proud of myself! And I’m so proud of some of the art I’ve made! Here are some of my favorites-

Yeah, I know, it’s a lot of bears, birds, and bunnies! (Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.) It’s no secret I’m obsessed with bears and bunnies, but the birds were a legitimate surprise!

I also took Genna Blackburn’s Art Summer Camp classes this month, which resulted in 5 days’ worth of very cute fun art! Not exactly my best stuff but I had a good time making it!

See? Super cute and fun right? I’ve taken several of Genna’s free classes and Skillshare classes, and if I had any extra money right now I totally would have upgraded to her paid classes! Someday…

So, yeah! Yay me for making a bunch of fun, cute, weird art this month, and an even bigger yay for the fact that I did it EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!

I’m gonna keep it going until at least DragonCon, and in a perfect world through the con and after, every day forever and until the end of time! Follow along on Instagram! And, fair warning, I’m super obsessed with the Katmai National Park bear cams right now and my art absolutely reflects that. It’s been a dramatic and, at times heartbreaking summer on the falls, and I can’t stop watching!

And, hey, friendly reminder: I’m doing all of this with the goal to be a professional freelance illustrator, so if you need any commissioned art or you know anyone else who does, let me know!


A month without Facebook


March-April-May-June sketchbook review