February sketchbook review

I don’t know what was up with February, but I drew a lot less than I have in the previous few months. I don’t know, February is always a weird bummer. It’s dark and cold and rainy and I mostly just want to stay inside, sleep, and watch Parks and Rec for the thousandth time. But I did some stuff worth sharing!

I actually drew this in January and never shared it. It felt weirdly private but the more I look at it the more I love it and the more I think it deserves to be seen! I took Marisa Anne Cummings’ Profitable Artist's Planning Workshop in January (which was really great for learning how to incorporate financial goals into art planning), and one of the assignments was to make a piece of art featuring your word of the year. My word is “Momentum” because momentum fuels consistency and leads to progress! And like a shark, if I stop moving, I’ll die. Or at least languish, and thats not ideal. So, be like a shark! Never stop moving! And enjoy dinner!

I got a new watercolor palette right around the same time that I watched the first Godzilla movie in the original Japanese. One of my goals for the year (and likely rolling into the next year) is to watch every Godzilla movie. I really enjoyed “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters” and was inspired to get more Godzilla in my life! I started with the 1954 original and I’m going to work my way through in chronological order as much as possible. And I’ve gotta say, I’ve seen the American cut of the original movie, and the Japanese version totally blew my mind! Highly recommend! So, yeah, I painted this little Godzilla the very next day!

This little potato is Yeoman Rand. There was a post in a Star Trek Facebook group to Star Trekify a potato drawing, and this was my contribution. I love her!

And of course no month is complete without a bunch of silly animals! I got a new set of Tombow markers and had lots of fun with them. The Raccoon was from my first session with them! Because what’s cuter than a friendly raccoon! The fat bird was some digital art fun. And the cat and bunnies were based on animals available for adoption at the Oregon Humane Society. I wish I could take them all home! But my house isn’t big enough for more than one crazy dog!

Speaking of my adorable dog, happy almost-spring!


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Luke skywalker and Rory Gilmore